Sherry Ellingson
Career. Business.Finance.Life Coach

Life Coaching

Life Coaching touches on your past experiences , while focusing on the present issues and setting actionable goals for the future. I work with you to become mindful and aware of the mind- body connection and the fears or anxities that are holding you back. In addition looking at emotions that may be hidden or have been ignored. Ignored emotions will resurface continually in your life: in romantic relationships, parenting, work/career and friendships.
As a Career Coach I help you find what your passion is and where your strengths are in order to find the job that best fits you.
​This is for you if:
You may be on the beginning of your career path (right out of college).
You have lost your job and need to know what direction to go.
The field you have been is no longer working for you and your life.
Visit Exclusive Programs for more info.

​In addition I teach workshops monthly, please visit Classes + Workshops under Selfology Page
You may wonder why the same patterns repeat themselves in your life. Why do you end up with the jobs you have, or similar patterns in dating that may continue to fail or leave you feeling bad about yourself.
We will create at times some homework to break down your goals in to small manageable steps.
I work with clients on a one-on-one basis using FaceTime/Skype or phone sessions.​​
Areas of Focus
Relationship Difficulties/Friendship
Life Transitions
Life Stages for women: Menopause, Pregnancy, Postpartum
Difficulties with Self-Esteem
Body Image
Light Depression
Mother/Daughter issues and conflict resolution
Divorce and or Separation
Professional/Career Issues/Small Business
College Issues
Pre-Marital Coaching
Chakras 101
Time Management
Mindful Communication
Mindful Lifestyle
Divorce and or Separation
Professional/Career Issues/Small Business
College Issues
Pre-Marital Coaching
Chakras 101
Time Management
Mindful Communication
Mindful Lifestyle

Group Classes / Workshops:
Yoga and meditation
Planning and Organization for a fun life
Mindfulness and Stress Management
Self Esteem
Body Image
Career Planning
Pre-Marital Coaching
Business Startup/Consulting
Effective and Mindful Communication
The 5 Roots of Self-Care
Vision Boarding
Chakras 101 and how they affect our health
Personal Styling and Decluttering Your Closet for mental and emotional self love.​
After filling out the form under contact, we can schedule a free consultation.
I offer programs and packages in areas of life, based on your needs, wants and goals.
Single sessions are for established clients and treated as a follow up.
If there are areas outside of my programs that you would like to get support with the minumiun is 4 sessions.
Package of 4 sessions of Coaching/Consulting virtual 55 minutes= $500 can't be combined with any other offers.
$140/55 minutes.
Personal Styling
Classes, Workshops, and Exclusive Programs are priced separately.
Other Packages:
50 minute Coaching + 60 min Yoga​​​